This month's vibes are whack as there are two major astrological events this month that will be happening. Specifically a solar eclipse and a rarer every 14 year major triplanetary conjunction. I do not say this lightly, but this month is going to be a ‘fuck it we ball’ month if there ever was one.
April 2nd - To kick the month off we start with Mercury rx in ♈️ it will stay there until April 25th April 3rd - Venus in ♓️ conjuncts Neptune If possible avoid signing contracts or starting new business endeavors during this chunk of time. Going back to previous arrangements should be fine - new things will ultimately end in mess. The desire for idealism and adventure will be palpable in this time but it is wise to think critically before acting as there is the potential for that adventure to come from things going awry. April 8th - New moon in ♈️ SOLAR ECLIPSE This particular eclipse will be visible in most of North America. This event will conjunct with Chiron as well as Saturn and Mars in ♓️ I would generally expect a lot of ‘angry crying’ and hidden emotions to boil over during this. This emotional connection requires a release of emotions rather than trying to act on the feelings. It's more about feeling your feelings than trying to fix the things that have made you feel so angry and powerless. Once this passes you will be able to remove the hurt from your life and body and move forwards with a new understanding of what you need. This eclipse will affect each individual uniquely past this part so it's hard for me to say anything more accurate than that - the nature of your release will be deeply personal. This state will be hard but it will pass for most. April 12th - Sun conjuncts Mercury rx in ♈️ April 15th - Chiron and Mercury conjunction (tax day for my USA folks) April 19th - Mercury and Venus conjunct - Sun enters ♉️ You will be feeling better from the eclipse emotions at this point. The dust will clear and things will become easier to understand and emotions will level back to normal April 21st - MAJOR CONSTELLATION Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in ♉️ AND Venus is conjunct Chiron AND Sun is square Pluto in ♒️ all at once (this is a once every 14 years astronomical event) The general tone of this event will focus on the conduction energies of technology vs. nature. There is tension here but the nature of this event is ultimately positive. This is a time of rapid growth and change. If you know what direction you want your life to be moving now is the time to take advantage of the rapid change to become the version of yourself you want to be. If you don't know what you want the world is still going to change around you, rapidly. This is the point at which the complete death and rebirth of a Pluto change begins to take hold the new you is coming whether or not you're ready. It's better if you try to get an idea of what you want before this comes so you can use his period of time like a spring bored. April 24th - Full moon in ♏️ April 25th- Mercury direct yay April 29th - Venus enters ♉️ You will be feeling emotionally - do not resist the changes coming it will only hurt if you try to hold on to what can no longer serve you. This along with a few more minor transits on the 29th will feel like shedding old skin as we continue with our Pluto cycle changing.